Day of the Dead Teaser Release Latest

"Anybody got any questions about the way
things are gonna run around here from now on?...."-Capt Rhodes
hi guys well thought id update you on how things are going and let you in on what to expect for the teaser release on the 30th of October, add it to your watchlist now and get notified the moment its released! Click Here
"Anybody got any questions about the way
things are gonna run around here from now on?...."-Capt Rhodes

Teaser Overview
the survivors begin the teaser like Rhodes and his men in the elevator room, as can be expected the survival trigger is the elevator power box that Miguel has tore the guts out of, from outside the room the map turns into the bunker storage and basically following the route Rhodes takes in one of the buggy's at the end of day of the dead when he abandons his troops, now like in the campaign, the teaser is set after all the events of the film have taken place, so the door is shot out like when steel does it and i have also tried to account for those killed in the film, the storage caverns lead past the specimen gate used for selecting test subject infected, then past the trailer of John and Billy's which has some nice supplies inside, then finally to the entrance to the bunker which has weapons ammo and supplies as well as decent hold out areas and all the rooms you would expect to see inside the bunker.
Have your say..
OK, there's a few ideas i would like some feedback on..
i like the idea of the race to compound for the survival but id rather it wasn't annoying for people my main idea to enforce the rush was to lock the door out of the elevator area until the button had been pressed so everything had to be grabbed on the fly except for main weapon and initial health kits of course.....what do you think?
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